Effective January 14,2025 the Electric Distribution System Operator Contract (the EDSO) between Stony Plain REA and FortisAlberta Inc will terminate. FortisAlberta will no longer be the Wire Service Provider (WSP) for Stony Plain REA.
In an ongoing effort to reduce costs and strenghen the Cooperative model, EQUS REA Ltd. (EQUS) will be the WSP for Stony Plain REA effective January 15,2025. EQUS will be contracted to perform such things as line patrols, line maintenance, brushing, meter reads, site enrollments, upgrades and new service builds. EQUS Central office is located in Innisfail, AB with a North Area office in Onoway, AB.
Due to the change, EPCOR will no longer be the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) provider for Stony Plain REA members, effective January 14,2025. EQUS will be the new RRO provider, effective January 15,2025. If you are with EPCOR or Encor with EPCOR, you may choose to purchase electricity in one of three ways
1) from EQUS cooperative energy rate
2) a Retailer who has a Retailer Service Agreement (RSA) with Stony Plain REA (please refer to FAQ page)
3) remain on the RRO, but have EQUS as the new RRO provider
More information will be provided closer to the transition date.
Please be advised that effective November 1,2024 FortisAlberta will no longer be providing quotes for New Services due to time restraints. If you are looking for a New Service build you can reach out to the Stony Plain REA and we will direct you to a contact at EQUS